All members are expected to attend the kick-off retreat in August, and are considered active when they participate
in at least 2/3 of rehearsals and concerts. New members are required to attend the August retreat.
Membership in SeraphSong is open to the following:
* Ministers of Music, Music Directors and Worship Leaders in the local SC Baptist church
* Spouses of male church staff members
* Female Music Ministerial staff members of SCBaptist churches
* Church accompanists (organist, pianist, keyboardist)
* Professional church musicians (Baptist University professors, vocational music evangelists, etc.)
* Active qualified church musicians who read music, on the recommendation of a SeraphSong member and the candidate's music director; and upon approval of SeraphSong leadership.
Our concert attire is Concert Blue jacket with black shell, black dress pants, black closed-toe shoes and a NEW blue polo shirt with pants. Shirts can be ordered by contacting Jana Ledbetter at 864-590-0649 or [email protected].
Look on the Concerts/Events page for the upcoming retreat information and registration form.